Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Closing the Circle

The big Reunion is over...I've worked pretty-much full time on this project since last June, and now my morning seems - well, weird without having a full to-do list of mostly Reunion stuff.

This project has been so all-encompassing that I've had to take a close look at why I chose to take it on in the first place. I spent the day yesterday thinking about why I devoted so much time and energy into a volunteer project like this. Having been "between gigs" for the last five years, I certainly could have spent that time and energy toward a more profitable undertaking. I guess I have to consider that maybe committing to such an extra-curricular project might be a form of procrastination....I know my husband believes that. But on reflection, I think that this was something that I NEEDED to do. The stars aligned and the window of opportunity was narrow, so I jumped in with both feet before that window closed after me....I was committed, other people were depending on me, and I knew what I had to do. Plus, it was a short-term commitment and I had a lot of other dedicated people backing me up, so what the heck?

Luckily, I don't have to bring in a paycheck to support our family (at least, right now). Also luckily, I have a supportive husband who - while maybe not enthusiastic about it - at least tolerates my occasional obsessions and diversions. And in this case, he's been VERY tolerant! This makes me love him even more (if that's even possible), and makes me want to spend more time now on projects that he sanctions....like a new bathroom and maybe even earning some money (now THERE'S a concept!).

So this circle is almost closed....but there are still some issues to be addressed before the end comes around to meet where I started. As a matter of fact, the question of whether I want to completely close this circle remains. Of course, there is the paperwork and some loose ends to attend-to in order to wrap-up the Reunion business. But there's also a Memory Book project that I've committed to, which is actually a minor project, but still something that will keep ties to the event from being severed. Then there is the issue of continuing to be involved in roller skating through heading an Alumni Association or even teaching again; or whether I should leave that part of my life behind for good (while still holding the memories and friendships formed over the years, and especially over the last few months)....

But for today, I'm going to rest, make some lists, and start thinking about the next big thing....whatever that is. And if it's as fulfilling as the Reunion, I know it will be a big success!